Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Looking for something Free in these times?

Do you have a Library Card? Are the Libraries "Free" in LanKaster, MaKaniksburg, Allantown or Kalifornia? Have you ever been to the "Main Branch" of the Phila Free Library, which was the First Free Library in the USA? For that matter, have you ever been to the Phila Zoo, which used to be called Vet Stadium, but is actually the First Zoo in the USA !


Anonymous said...

well, I guess you have to keep looking in Phila. No more Free books, how bad is that!

edward J. said...

i always wanted one of those long sticks they put the newspaper on...

Gerald Pea said...

depending on the day you go you should bring a box lunch for the crowd that gets fed in the park across the street...i am told that they all have membership cards. But it is a Great Building! and you only need a card to check something out...

library worm said...

Anonymous says "no more free books" ? Not true...Hours have changed but the books are still Free, just like Ben wanted.

Gay Caballero said...

I spent a month there one night during my senior year in H.S. I was doing a research paper on the dropping of the "Atomic" bomb on Hiroshima. (pronounced Hee-Ro-She-Ma) The oil lamps worked fine and any book you could find was free!