Presumably, a few of you have Experienced the First Day of Soccer Practice...well, I am not a Soccer Fan and I was not there, but, when it is your Grandsons' Photo depicting his RIDE to his First Soccer Practice...I Have Got to Post It...
According to his MOM, he was psyched!
More to say... When Sam played he was considered a Good player, Coaches liked him, he was Polite, competitive, No Problem...Jason comes along 4 Years later and they restricted his playing time...Why? I asked..."cause he Kicks it too hard" I was told by "The Powers that be" What does a Father say to that?
Pea, give it up!! Jason is not going to make it as a soccer player. Let him take up football. I would put him at linebacker. Maybe even in the middle for the "Iggles".
Soccer was my game as well. Then, one sunny afternoon in September, I followed a loose ball into the woods... The next day I woke up looking like the Elephant Man. Poison Ivy up the gazoo... My ear was so swelled up I could hear what they were saying in Florida. My eye was completely swollen shut. The child abuse officers paid a visit to my house. Domestic trouble they thought.
It was on to football after that. My ACL thanks me...
More to say... When Sam played he was considered a Good player, Coaches liked him, he was Polite, competitive, No Problem...Jason comes along 4 Years later and they restricted his playing time...Why? I asked..."cause he Kicks it too hard" I was told by "The Powers that be" What does a Father say to that?
Pea, give it up!! Jason is not going to make it as a soccer player. Let him take up football. I would put him at linebacker. Maybe even in the middle for the "Iggles".
was Jason declared a "Bully" because he kicked the ball too hard? Bet he was.
aww so cute!! he looks so excited!
Soccer was my game as well. Then, one sunny afternoon in September, I followed a loose ball into the woods... The next day I woke up looking like the Elephant Man. Poison Ivy up the gazoo... My ear was so swelled up I could hear what they were saying in Florida. My eye was completely swollen shut. The child abuse officers paid a visit to my house. Domestic trouble they thought.
It was on to football after that. My ACL thanks me...
is that a shoe box on his lap? Maybe some new soccer shoes? Remember getting new Converse for the basketball season? So cool...
Very cool! Liam had his first soccer game yesterday too. My first as a U-5 soccer coach. Liam did great, but they told me not to come back.
Now Willy, don't give this family a bad name. We always display perfect decorum when attending/coaching our children/granchildren athletic events.
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