Monday, October 19, 2009

"Harry the K, Waddya Say" at Citizen's Bank Park

I got a couple of phone calls tonight and a text message from friends at the Phillies game. They played my "Harry the K" song over the stadium PA during pre-game. Pretty cool...


Gerald Pea said...

this has been confirmed by Jason's friends that are also at the Game...Good Job Blaze!!!

the Phanatic said...

I feel like I am listening to the Dodgers Home Broadcast Team as I watch this Game!
I want to hear "Harry the K" during the commercial break!

Harry K said...

I have been a boisterous fan of Pedro Ruiz until now. It is time to Bench Pedro!!

Cooker said...

Awesome Eddie! Wish I had been there to hear it...Brett was there, I will see if he heard it...way to go Eduardo!

Anonymous said...

It'll look great on your " Performer's Profile" or liner notes of your next album; performed before a sellout crowd of 45,000 fans at Citizens Bank Park.

Great job little brother!

Yo Yo Stickler said...

Dear "Harry K"... The Pedro "Ruiz" Basher.

Who are you talking about? Carlos Ruiz or Pedro Feliz?

Please let us know...

You can get a full print out of the Phillies roster at

Anonymous said...

Not to be out done by my little brother, I'm composing a little ditty for the Eagles. Goes like this, "Hang down your head Andy, hang down your head and cry. Hang down your head Andy Reid poor birds you don't fly". Sung to the tune of Tom Dooley.

Let me call my friend Joe Banner.

Mburg fan said...

Good for you, lil' brother. Before we know it, Blaze will be joining the rest of the McKs in L.A.!!!

Just for us who are outta the loop: how did your song get to the Phillies/park?

eddie_Susan said...

I sent the song to someone who used to work for the Lehigh Valley IronPigs and now works for the Phillies. She passed it on and here we are. Susan and I got two tickets to go to the game Wednesday (we had to pay for them). Hopefully, they will clinch and hopefully, I'll hear the song played again during pre-game. I'll do my best to capture it on video if they do. Go Phils!