How does a home owner get Cable in three rooms of the House, i.e. Family Room, Basement & Bedroom without Drilling a Hole through the Structure of the Building that will allow Squirrels, Birds, Lizards, Bats and other Reptiles to enter through the Hole that was drilled through the Structure simply for the Enjoyment of Cable or Dish ?
Open nearest window slightly; insert said cable line thru opening; Slam window down thereby flattening the entire cable... Voila, no more squirrels or other rodents. Call glass masters to repai broke window.
call the Cable Man!
Take, oh, $7-800 bucks, go to Lowe,s, and Kaboom; problem solved.
The hole is the size of a cable wire. What squirrel can fit through that?
Open nearest window slightly; insert said cable line thru opening; Slam window down thereby flattening the entire cable... Voila, no more squirrels or other rodents. Call glass masters to repai broke window.
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