There was nothing worse than opening our tiny fridge the day after Turkey Day and unraveling the aluminum foil looking for white meat to make a sandwhich and nothing but dark meat. Then you saw this pie covered up and thought you found the mother lode only to unravel it and find mince meat. Ugggggh
alyce M. (mincemeat)
Other than Mother & Dad, am I the ONLY McK who actually LIKES mincemeat pie? I haven't had it since "D" St. days...
Howsomever...count me in, I used to love least that's my memory of it...perhaps I would'nt like it...I don't know, it's been a while, 45 years or so..nevermind.
Other than Mother & Dad, am I the ONLY McK who actually LIKES mincemeat pie? I haven't had it since "D" St. days...
Oh I get it. It's pie for adults. Auntie A has ALWAYS been an adult!
Howsomever...count me in, I used to love least that's my memory of it...perhaps I would'nt like it...I don't know, it's been a while, 45 years or so..nevermind.
If anyone tried serving me this pie I would make mincemeat out of them!
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