Friday, February 19, 2010

OLYMPICS, Plushenko or Lysacek...Who was better ?


tonya harding said...

the Judges said Lysacek. I guess that answers your question pea

Willy said...

Lysacek. Quit your bitching Plushenko. Trying to argue that you deserve the Gold based on one element of an entire 4:00 minute program is lame.

Susan said...

Lysacek - same reasons as willy-Plushenko is such baby.

Susan is on a roll said...

Whose going to post about Tiger....anyone???

NoTigerforMe said...

Tiger WHO?
Who cares?! I didn't buy the "apology". I'm sick of the jerk AND the publicity!!!

And another thing: If I were his mother, I would have taken a wooden spoon to his spoiled butt. I would NOT have given him a big hug!

OK, another grandchild post...

You probably never heard of this, but Prime TV will be airing  THE BEAST GAMES on Thursday, December 19. The Games went on for  months durin...