Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Is there anything about March that you find Memorable ?


Anonymous said...

March 8, 1970, Mother entering her eternal reward. March 14, 1990, Keelan Maureen McKendry born. March 19, 2006, Declan McKendry Hamilton born. March 17th St. Paddy's Day, March 19th St. Joseph's Day.

Other than that; can't come up with anything.

Pea Again said...

March 16, 2006, my Grandaughter Amanda arrives. March 15, called the Ides of March...what does that mean? March 27, 2001, Jason beat me in Chess! Last game of Chess he ever played!

Yo Yo March said...

Pea, did you forget about your first Grandson? Justin Pea Mck... March 6th, 2005.

I love the Madness in March...
Start of Spring Training...

pea Again & Again said...

I Did forget Justin! Although we did mail his Birthday Card on Monday, the 1st of March.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of birthday cards; that's a tradition that should be revived. Let's start with ummmmm, ummmm, ummmm, Oh, okay, MY BIRTHDAY! June 10th. Gift cards accepted. Small bills prefered, make that large bills, no sense wasting postage on a dollar.

I admit I will be 55 years old so gifts are appropriate.

Do any US cities have these?