Monday, April 12, 2010

A New Boat Picture...

You guys wanted a picture of the Old Crow? Well, here she is. In all her glory. The picture from the previous post was taken at a different angle. It didn't show the actual size of my boat. This picture was taken while we were on a leasurely cruise around the Avalon Bay.

Here I am waiting on the dock. This is right before I jumped into the water and swam over to meet my "guests"... They were yelling at me to "hurry up!" I put on my swim cap and got moving.

The Jason Pea Blog


edward j. said...

Hey, that is a nice boat! Is that your Mark Spitz Speedo?

edward j. said...

not sure why that happened twice...

Anonymous said...

Cuz you stutter!

the Blog Observer said...

lil pea! you are making things up! That is a picture of the "Mr Lucky" Boat from 1981.

Remember those Seal of Approval people?