The Second Annual Poker Challenge...the last one at Michael's Palace was a Poker Joke! Very few knew the game & Fewer Few knew the Rules. How about a Poker Challenge? To enter you must have a lot of Nickels, Dimes & Quarters & most Importantly, know the Game ! The Game should take place in mid-afternoon, somewhere between Roxboro and Pittsboro. And also, Dogs must be permitted to attend...
- I truly believe that if such a Poker Game were to take place no-one would leave with more Nickels, Dimes or Quarters than me and my Son Jason.
After all, I taught him how to Play the Game...
This is one more idea you have Pea that will go no-where.
What's wrong with YOU, "Mr. Negativity"? SHEESH!!!
The world doesn't need any more "negativity"...nor do the McKs!
i will participate and I will be very serious. I may not know the rules but I will not be joking. If I remember correctly, I think I won more than you at Michael's house.
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