Monday, September 20, 2010

STOP Signs, dog walking & Courtesy...

Uncle John, Coco & myself were out walking tonight & about 6:15PM we were crossing Green Street. After we waved on two cars at the STOP Sign (a 4-way STOP sign) we proceeded on our way...Only to have to STOP suddenly because the next car just kept going thru the STOP Sign! Almost ran us over! We screamed at the guy in the two-seater Mercedes & he Flipped us "the Bird"! Well, John being John,  he proceeded to run after the "Bird Flipper" with Coco in Tow! Coco lost her Leash but continued to follow her Uncle John. The "Bird Flipper" managed to make a left onto Ridge Avenue and I thought Uncle John & Coco would give up "THE CHASE". I was wrong...both of them continued the pursuit up the Avenue & when the A..Hole in the 2-seater made it through the next Red Light he once again Flipped the Bird @ Uncle John & Coco!
WE (Uncle John, Coco & Me) now have a Plan...we will be staking out Green Street & Ridge Avenue from 6:00PM til 7:00PM on the look-out for a Two-seater white Mercedes driven by a tan, bald headed, cell phone using, bird flipping, A..hole!
What else do we have to do?
this could be fun... 


I Gotta see this said...

HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!!!!

Thanks! I laughed OUT LOUD this morning when I read this.

(Just make sure you notify your local EMS to be on stand-by when you're going out on your "A-H Lookout Patrol"!!!)

Gay 39th District Survivor said...

Please go to the nearest police station and rent some "body armor". Then when he shoots you it will only slow you down, not KILL you!

Unknown said...

When Elvis the Wonderdog was a youngin he would chase cars. One day I sat old Elvie down and asked him "whatcha gonna do when ya catch one Elvie?".

I suppose the Roxy Oscar & Felix duo will do the same thing old Elvie did, he said "I'll figger that out once I catch it".

Hope they video it. They could split the $10,000 America's Funniest Home Videos gives them.

Does Coco know CPR?

Ernie said...

If you see me comin', better step aside
A lotta men didn't, a lotta men died
One fist of iron, the other of steel
If the right one don't a-get you
Then the left one will

The 34 Counts!

                                                                              OMG! No wonder he was foung Guilty! He is a definite threat to...