Saturday, October 2, 2010

So...Coco is trying to tell me she Wounded a RAT!

While I am on the Bowl @ 7:15 AM. Coco is crashing into the bathroom & I am saying to her "get out of here! I will feed you when I am done!"
So...I come out of the Boys Room, (All zipped up) & I see Coco is on the front porch, looking thru the window & I see this CREATURE laying by Coco's bowls in the kitchen!!!

  • YIKES!!! the photo does not begin to display how HUGE this RAT was! Coco's Bowl is 10x10!
Yes, Coco wounded a RAT that was probably trying to get to her food bowl. But, I come out of the Boys Room/ Coco is now outside/ and I get chills...cause the RAT is still moving!
  • I rush outside to find a weapon. I find a half filled paint can & throw it at the disabled RAT!
  • the RAT is still squirming!!! (I only hit its legs)
I go out on the front porch w/ Coco and we both have a smoke, thinking our work is about done...the RAT will soon be a Dead Rat!
  • Bottom Line... I had to Off the RAT with an 8 Iron
  • It was not pleasant...
When I phoned Stoneman about the confrontation, he suggested I use a 7 Iron next time!
  • It was not a pleasant Saturday Morning...
As A PS...the house next door has been vacant for 2 plus years. They are now Gutting the place & the RATS are scrambling...UGH! I am still getting Chills!


big sis(sy) said...

Pea: You need to call your landlord ASAP and INSIST that he set you up with an exterminator!!! Next time, Coco may bring her "prize" in the house to show you...

P.S. Move those food dishes inside for now, PULEEZE!!! OH! the thought of your morning just grosses me out!

P.P.S. You might also consider getting a cat & leaving it outside to protect the property. Stoney can help you out there.

Ratso Rizzo said...

Pea...sleep with one eye open my friend..they've been known to crawl into warm bed covers..or put some traps all around your bed at night...or sleep with the lights on and Coco nearby.
Good Luck!

Gerald Pea said...

Hey big sis! you are not reading the Post correctly. The photo is taken "In the House"! That is my kitchen floor & Coco's Food bowls! Coco evidently saw the RAT trying to taste her food & got the RAT disabled! The 8 Iron finished the RAT off! I still have chills!

Anonymous said...

pea, that post gives me chills!

4 of 5 Dentist Say said...

You can use that tail as dental floss...

Anonymous said...

You need traps. Also gotta fill any Pipe openings, baseboard cracks, etc. with steel wool. Home depot sells steel wool, rat pellets, traps, It
s a war my friend! Pellet gun for backup.

OR invite over some Asians. They eat 'em. Maybe Blaze developed a taste on his last trip to Toupee or Taipei or whereever.