Sunday, October 10, 2010

Will you be signing your Son Up to be a Boy Scout?

I do believe that we have one Eagle Scout in the Family. That is a Big Deal...! Perhaps the next time we are in his company we can ask him to do something..."Eagle-ish"...

  • If I had the Luxury of repeating things I would have signed up both of my Sons to be Scouts
Of course, I, personally would not have volunteered to be a Scout Leader...

  • ...but, it would have been nice to drive them to the local school parking lot and watch them board the Bus for their week-end camping trip...
I'm just sayin'...


Gay Caballero said...

Pea, I am definitely offended by this blog item. As a young boy I "enlisted" in the Boy Scouts. I was sailing right along until I got to the knot tieing part. I failed that little baby miserably. I could not tell a slipshank from a shawshank nor a double ripple from a chocolate ripple. Then I got blamed when they found the janitor at St. Columbas' tied up in his basement office. Needless to say I received a dishonorable discharge which made me 4F for the draft. I cried for 6 months.

Anonymous said...

The idea of carrying a pocket knife appealed to me. Camping did too. The thought of having to scout with the nerds that were scouts was not appealing, at all.

stoneman said...

I LOVVVed the Cub Scouts, w/ meetings at Sciambi's and Mother, that Saint, ws always there to assist/do the entire project at the last minute before a meeting. One time she emptied a coffee can and built me a wishing well w/ string and a wooden roof ....and I had 5 minutes to spare to get to the meeting. If I thought about it I'd give her a week warning but she did a great job w/ just a 1/2 hour warning. Gotta love her......

Anonymous said...

I can definitely see Liam wanting to become a scout (no comment) and I will certainly sign his Poppy up to be a Scout Leader! :)
seana - (great topic, Uncle Gerry! - LOL!)

I'm wondering if Kash Patel will be able to find the Bomb Planter starting on Tuesday, January 21.

I mean, the current FBI Director recently told us that the bomb planter wears size 7 sneakers. and is about 5'7" More than 4 years ...