Monday, December 20, 2010

Anybody out there in the Market for a "Young at Heart", Frisky, Friendly Puppy to give to their Little Kids this Christmas?

Delivery Guaranteed within 4 Hours!...and by the Way...Coco Turned 13 Today.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY COCO!  you are now a Teenager!
the last Photo is just Coco taking a "treat" off of the TV tray...believe Me when I say...she will be much more tender when your young ones' offer her treats without the Benefit of a TV Tray...Yep...


Mary said...

Pea.that is a scary looking Dog!

Cooker said...

Just for the record, there are several Marys in this family...the previous comment did not come from my Mary..tho she probably would agree with it's content.

Anonymous said...

I have a friend who commutes daily to Philly. He wants the dog. He said to leave her on the Spressway at 7:00 am tomorrow at Main St. Entrance. Don't worry he'll pick her up.

St. Francis of A Sissy

the Blog Observer said...

I think the Mary that originally commented was, St Mary from Heaven Above!

her walker said...

I will vouch for the beast and her friendly peaceful demeanor. Of course she's also capable of cutting your legs out from under or dislocating your knee cap when she's excited. This time of year she could serve as a reindeer, she's that strong. I understand she enjoys sleeping w/ male humans too. Keep that in mind. All in all she's a bit spoiled, demanding and selfish (she'd sounds like someone I used to know) but loves to sit at your knee......all day long and stare at you!!!

Pea said...

So, I drop her off @ 7AM & Coco spends 9 Hours on the Schuylkill X-pressway Yesterday @ what I thought was the "Main Street Entrance" & no-body shows up! She finds her way home about 4:30 PM & Barks at me "What the BarkingFing!@#$%^&Pea"!
I just told her I got Bad Information from Uncle Timmy

Anonymous said...

I spoke with 138 drivers who said she's a VERY elusive target, er uh I mean pet.

You might want to mention in your post Pea that she's good at dodging bumpers.

What are they actually saying & hearing in a huddle?

This is why I never wanted to play football!