Thursday, December 16, 2010

The First Snow of the Winter is a Limo Drivers Nightmare!

And Amanda, Justin & Luke are singing..."let it snow,  let it snow, let it snow..."
So many People Panic when the first Snow of the NEW WINTER falls...they look out the window of their offices & say, "I gotta get out of here!"...They all leave work early and then SNARL the Hiways....It's a bunch of Amateurs on the Roads!

  • Today was the first Snow Fall in was a "Dusting"...and the Hiways were a MESS...
Sure glad I am not picking people up at the Airport today...I just want to say...

  • Question....Do you think you are a Good Snow Driver & does an AWD give you more confidence???
Bottom line ... when you a Professional Driver in a Dusting of Snow you have to be aware, cause...
  • "there are so many Assholes & so little space"
  • The forecast is saying drivers may get another crack at improving their winter skills on Sunday with a possible significant snow on the horizon, and one hopes everyone fares better than Thursday night.


A.Humbug said...

The older I get, the less I like snow. The deeper the snow, the deeper my depression.

Anonymous said...

they are Neat photos pea. And snow sucks!