Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Uncle John & Grandpop are Screaming!!!

Are you !@#$%^&*(!!1@#$%! kidding us! This kid is texting!?! a Lounge Chair? Yikes!@#$%^&*!

  • we figure we are doomed to be "Has Been's".........


Harry Stiefel said...

To say nada about the cost of his outfit, ski's, helmet, phone, boots, lift tic, suite, 3 squares.......but he'll never see "Suicide Hill". By the way, what ever happened to the fireman boots from the 'closet under the steps'?

Gerald Pea said...

In the last 3 months I visited Suicide is to this day, one scary sled ride! As for the Boots, I think Alyce got them & they were Lost in the Mechanicsburg Flood of 1974? Along with my Red Zebra fringe jacket...

alyce said...

I never had the zebra jacket--never sawr it!!!, the firman boots--ummm......

Gay Historian said...

Please. Agnes occurred in 1972, not 1974! Stoney was coaching at Middletown in 1974. He would have floated away.

jemckjr. said...

Yer not right aboot dat Historian. I spent a week in Wilkes Barre w/ the notorius Norristown Brigade of yer US Army Reserves and had to miss a wedding in Shamokin because of it. I patrolled the muddy streets w/ my M16, I think, (no bullets of course)and slept in a cold tent w/ dozens of other like minded devoted patriots) By the way, Shamokin has more bars per square block than any other settlement in PA. We attempted to visit every one and clean out the enemy wherever we found him. It was reported that none were found but we kept looking anyway. Never got a service medal either.....or any rank above PFC. Yud think after six dangerous yrs. I'd get some recognition. When I was respectfully discharged on my last night I asked why wasn't I promoted and Sgt. Robinson said, "Mckendry, we didn't know you were ever here! Now, GET OUT! And that's the story of how it happened.......

Even MSNBC Viewers Were Revolted