Tuesday, February 1, 2011

"I did not know that, Ed"...quoting Johnny Carson...

...I did not know that there are SIX Teams in the NFL that do not have Cheerleaders. The Packers & the Steelers are two of those Teams. Ergo, there will be No Cheerleaders @ the SBXLV this year. What a disappointment! Why watch the Super Bowl?


victor voyeur said...

We'll miss all those perky smiles, hair and mounds of silicone. They're sooo essential to a good game. Ta Ta.

Anonymous said...

Who are the other 4? Giants? Gotta be Cleveland, no good looking women in that state, buffalo; they'd freeze to death and Arizona, too many old people.

Anonymous said...

Slim, I understand the Naple Neptunes of the NFL, have cheerleaders. The police are looking for two IRISH guys for harassment. Rumor has it they were in the area checking out condos and townhouses. When last seen they were heading North in a Sorento with a slab of granite tied to the roof.

Forever Gay C. said...

Gay is not anonymous.

Anonymous said...

Did the Sorento have an odd colored dog, healthy as can be, riding shotgun like Rin Tin Tin? Heard the cops flew in a tracking dog trained to follow the scent of SPF99.

Film at 11.

The Sorentos said...

Who is Gay C. and who are the other 4 Teams w/out Cheer Ladies? We think we will head there and stir up a Cheer Lady / Dog Combo for NFL Sunday Home Games!