Friday, February 11, 2011

Is this True or just Folklore?

A long time ago I read that a "Red Door" signifies that your Mortgage is paid off and you Own Your Home.

  • anybody else read that?
I will also add that if I were painting my House today I would choose Yellow...
  • I like Yellow...
What color would you paint your House?


Jim Morrison said...

Feng Shui followers say that a red door creates a welcoming energy in your home and “colorology” suggests that a person who chooses a red door likely is a brave, passionate and brutally honest person type who is tough to please.

In China, homeowners are said to paint their doors red at the start of a new year for good luck.

For some Christian denominations, a red door hearkens to the Old Testament story wherein Jewish slaves held captive in Egypt were instructed by God to mark their doors with the blood of a sheep to ward off the Angel of Death.

Perhaps taking a cue from that same story, Irish homeowners believe that a red door wards off ghosts and evil spirits.

For early American settlers, a red door signified a place where they could find hospitality and a place to stay the night.

And in Scotland, homeowners who have paid off their mortgage celebrate by splashing their doors a rich, bright red.

Gerald Pea said...

Hey Jim! is that Folklore?

Uncle Brucy in NY said...

Yo Jim need a life. Find yer gitar and play.