Saturday, March 5, 2011

Could your 8th Grade Basketball Team...

...beat this 8th Grade Basketball Team?


Anonymous said...

If my memory serves me correctly, my JV team DID beat that 8th grade team. Think I had a triple double too. 10 fouls, 12 missed free throws and 17 -3 seconds in the lane. Remember it like it was yesterday.

Anonymous said...

Who is the Asian Kid, second from the left, with the Slanty Eyes?

Anonymous said...

pea: where do you come up with these pics?

Mr. Crosley said...

Name the starting five:
Jimmy McVeigh, Michael P. McKendry, don't know..., Joe Latrichiano (sp?), and the guy from Mad Magazine...(Bernie Axling)

Fr. Dougherty said...

Third guy in...none other than Joe Queenan!

Gay BB Junkie said...

Love those satin shorts...Where are the knee socks??

Moon Regan said...

Did J. McVeigh and The AX Man ever 'fly' to games that season???

Moon Regan said...

Joe Latrich may have made a trip or two, solo.