Saturday, April 16, 2011

Losing the Future - Mark Steyn - National Review Online

Losing the Future - Mark Steyn - National Review Online

This would be really funny if it weren't so true!


Disillusioned said...

Sunday morning...I read Pea's latest glum political posting and I am predictably bummed by the state of the least the part where Pea writes about...of course it's true, this country is a mess...tanks for pointing it out once again! Our youth is a mess, our technology is overwhelmingly distracting our children, government leadership lacks in every category..urban living continues to worsen, crime, blah, blah...but, I did go see "Jersey Boys" in N.Y. last week..that was fun! Perspective...right? Thanks Pea.

Sarah Palin said...

Good Post Pea!