Monday, April 18, 2011

No wonder Uncle John was able to finish a Boston Marathon. It was all Downhill !

Kenya's Geoffrey Mutai ran the fastest marathon ever on Monday, finishing the Boston Marathon in 2 hours, 3 minutes, 2 seconds. Despite the blistering time, Mutai's mark isn't being recognized as a world record.
Why not?
Even though it's considered one of the most challenging marathon courses in the world, the Boston Marathon is run on a net downhill, making it ineligible for world records. USA Track and Field only recognizes courses that meet specific criteria about elevation changes as record-eligible. Those courses must drop less than one meter per kilometer to fit the standard. For a 26.2-mile race, that's about 137 feet.


Gay Renaissance Man said...

Let me say this about that... John "Stoneman" McK is the only one of us (that includes me) to prepare for the grueling 26.2 mile trek thru the wild of Boston. Day after day logging 8 - 12 miles a day to compete. The Reward: you get to have a few beers with some Irishmen who are inebriated when you show up. Stoney deserves our praise for this accomplishment. Hoorsy for Stoney, Hooray for Stoney, someone's in the outhouse yelling Hooray for Stoney....!!!

Gerald Pea said...

Renaissance Gay Man, you got your words mixed up. Instead of "prepare for" it should say "Finish".

Anonymous said...

Very interesting!