Monday, May 23, 2011

For the past 2 Weeks I have been on my own personal WIWO.

Today I was in Rite-Aid and I came upon an Entenmann's Candle that supposedly smells like Pumpkin Pie!  I bought it, $7.99! Brought it Home, Lit it...and now I wanna go out and buy some Pumpkin Pie!!!

  • on the second Photo to see some of my Fish! I have four new Puppies that were born in the past month that are doing great! I also witnessed the destruction of two other Puppies that got eaten! The "Book" says that fish will eat anything they can get in their mouth...including their own! It's a brutal world in that Tank...


'Duard said...

can the fish smell the pumpkin candle? very cool aquarium, btw...

jest me said...

One rule of dieting: NEVER BURN A CANDLE THAT SMELLS LIKE you know "why".

I agree w/'Duard: the fish tank IS very cool and the babies look great.

How's your personal WIWO going?

Captain Stinky said...

The coolest thing in that tank is the Skeleton guy...

Dwight D. said...

Photos to follow with the Sketlon Guy Bubbling...I think the Red Skelton Guy actually helped keep the puppies alive! It provided a "bubble diversion".

PS...managing a Fish Tank is similar to managing a War...

What are they actually saying & hearing in a huddle?

This is why I never wanted to play football!