Thursday, June 30, 2011

My initial Medicare Visit...I became eligible 30 Days Ago...

I went to a "civilian" MD today for my first visit under Medicare. It is a Doctor I had last seen four years ago. I explained to him I lost my private insurance & went to the VA. The VA was fine, but a little inconvenient. He just nodded his head. He asked me why I was perspiring, I said, "because I am a BM".

  • He took his periscope & probed me
  • He had me lay on my back & probed me while asking, "does that hurt?". Nothing Hurt!
He was standing at his table writing stuff. Handed me three prescription sheets and told me he wants to see me next Thursday @ 10:00 AM.
  • I then had to go to "OUT-patient" registration
Had Blood work done
  • A Chest X-Ray
  • A C-Scan!
And I got a prescription for "ADVAIR"
  • went on-line to, got a coupon for a Free First Prescrption and asked the Pharmacist how much the coupon was worth...It was worth $238.50...!
Is that a Good Day? Or, a Medicare Day?

  • No-body asked me for a Dime...

1 comment:

Anonymous said... your Medicare Card Laminated?