Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Dinner for three ended up costing under $9.00 because The Host had coupons/clippings/AARP stuff and persistence...

Top Ten Cheapest Celebrity Tippers
1.) Tiger Woods: Claims he never carries cash.
2.) Madonna: Once left an $18 tip on a $400 bill.
3.) Barbra Streisand: Famous for leaving $10 tip for $457 tab.
4.) LeBron James: Didn't ever get tipping talents, left $10 on an $800 bill.
5.) Jeremy Piven: Left signed Entourage DVD as tip.
6.) Usher: Once left his autograph as a tip.
7.) Mariah Carey: Famous for diva demands and no tips!
8.) Sean Penn: Left $0 on a $450 tab in New Orleans.
9.) Bill Cosby: Once left a $3 tip on a $350 bill
10.) Rachael Ray: Promotes less than 20 percent tip on her show. 

Dinner for three had to be at least, what? $60.00? We did have four beers among us...that alone is at least $12.00! (we were in Central Pa, not Downtown Phila)
 Question is...Did The Host Tip based on the final Tab or on the Original Cost?

  • I have to admit, The Host has his discounts well figured out!


stoneman said...

tip should always be on the real tab before coupons. it's teh only income, no salry, for servers.
ps; this'll kill the question.

Tshirtim said...

MOH got cheated on one of those on line ciupon deals recently. 4 of us at a semi fancy place. Beers and foo foo drinks, apps, meal and dessert. +/- $250. She has 50% off coupon, thats why we pigged out, drinks not discounted PLCB law.

MOH FIGURES TIP ON FULL BILL so not to cheat waiter. Waiter by the way, is son of a Lanc blue blood, wealthy family, Keelie knows him, MOH gives coupon, signs receipt. We leave. In the car she says "That was expensive".

Turns out UPON FURTHER REVIEW the restaurant added 20% gratuity to bill THEN MOH added 20% tip to full amount PRIOR to discount. Following up they said it was on fine print. Keelie saw waiter later and publicly ripped him a new one. She and her crew got a foo foo drink from him.

ATTY ZEE SAYS "Always read the fine print. Look at your bill and ALWAYS bring your attorney to dinner with you!

Gay Dining Guru said...

The bill came to $8.43 after discount and $25.00 gift card. The Gay Troubador left an $8.00 tip. Original bill was $40.83 And now you know the rest of the story!!

I know some people that watched the butt kicking today in person...

  Sons & Grandsons... (The sons' are the shorter ones...) Justin, Luke, Jason & Sam...