Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Pea is for Politics! Let us see if I can Post this the way I want it...where is Eddie when I need him!

"His appearance also would be a political poke in the eye at Republican presidential candidates who are to gather for a campaign debate in California at the same hour as the president's speech."

I could not do it! The gist of the story is that Barak has "requested" time to address a joint session of congress on Wed, Sept 7 @ 8PM. Like a State of the Union Address,  And, yes, the President has to "request" time before a Joint Session.

  • Problem is, that is the same night that Republicans are holding a debate @ The Ronald Reagan Library among people that are running to oppose BHO for Pres in the 2012 election.
Some are saying that the BHO's   re-election team chose the date to minimize the Republican debate. Others' are saying..."!@#$%^&*( "
  • Harry Reid says BHO can talk to a joint session of congress any time & any day.
  • John Boehner says Sept 7 is not a good time, maybe Sept 8...BUT!
September 8 is the opening night for the NFL! Not a good night for Politicians on Prime Time TV...
  • SO...what night will Barak Hussein Obama address the Nation in a Joint Session to Congress to outline to us his Plan to turn the Economy around & provide jobs for unemployed Americans ?
PS.....Partisan fight leads Obama to move date of speech

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the blog observer said...

pea, no one cares about Republicans

American Citizen said...

ZZZZZZZ....poor Pea.just pick up the phone and call your talk show host...nobody out here really gives a hoot...and that's the troot! The president will only be around for 1 term, can't you just support the man for a little while and show the office some respect! ?

I know some people that watched the butt kicking today in person...

  Sons & Grandsons... (The sons' are the shorter ones...)