Friday, October 14, 2011

One more reason why you should have allowed "Them" to Draft you in the "60's/70's"

Out of the BLUE I get a mailing that tells me to show up for  an "Aorta/AAA Ultrasound screening". I show up, they do the 20 minute screening (it was uncomfortable) Tech says it looked good, but wait for the Official word from your Doc.

  • Reason I bring this up? Because I had to Fast for 14 hours before the Test... Then! They gave me a Ticket for a Free Meal in the VA Cafeteria...
  • Also want to let you know that some of your tax money is well appreciated
When is the last time you got a Free Lunch from your Doctor?


Tshirtim said...

Well! Glad to hear you had a free test and lunch on my tax dollars GI Pea, while I was painting your new bedroom for the 5th time!!!

Why would you paint a bedroom 5 times you ask Pea? Let me tell ya.

1st time- needed to cover the deep pink walls with a primer of white.
2nd time- used a deeper Carolina Blue.
3rd time- there were too many streaks of white base coat coming through, needed another coat.
MOH, your new landlady, comes home, "Blue?!" "I wanted a beige, you have to change it. Blue doesn't go with the drapes."
4th time- late at night might I add, it goes to beige.

Friday when I return from golf. Molly the Decorator is in your bedroom just finishing off the deep Carolina Blue paint job. 5th coat of paint! Hmmmmmm wonder if she spoke with MOH about this change in plans? "Did you talk to your Mom about the blue?" I begrudgingly asked.

Now I've lived with up to 8 women at one time in the last 40 years and one thing I DID learn is to never take sides when Molly the Decorator and MOH have opposing decorating ideas. Have you ever watched UFC fights?

Molly the Decorator has her own vision. Kinda a cross between Martha Stewart and Cindi Lauper; you just never know which one is showing up. She gets her inspiration from the craziest places. Remember the little white plastic things they put in pizza boxes to keep the lid from squooshing the cheese, Molly used them as end tables in her dollhouse. She once used a popular feminine personal product for beds in the dollhouse; "Look Daddy they have sheets attached to the ends." To my relief she said that MOH gave the OK once she told her she made new drapes to go with the blue.

So Pea, when you check out your new digs PLEASE don't say, "I thought the room was gonna be beige" or you just might end up with pizza box ends tables and a "girly" bed.

Jonathan's Pop Pop said...

Timothy Joseph: Your humor is often much funnier than anything on comedy central or Letterman, et al. Now that you're "comfy" retired why not write some stories of "Life W/ MOH and the Girls + one son + dogs + Sons-in-Law + a herd of grandkids and brothers + Mother-in-Law", while travelling around the USA and hauling silk screening and scaffolding...just tell real life stories for 45 minutes. Embellishing the facts should be no problemo at all. It's in our green blood. You know "never let the facts get in the way of a great story" Start working on your act. I'll but the first ticket. Hilarious.

By the way, did I mention Jonathan????

Maura said...

My dr gave me a Starbucks gift card for making me wait 1 HR 30 mins at my last appointment...and I'm not even a Vietnam vet!

Gerald Pea said...

Maura, your Dr @ least has a conscience (not an easy word to spell correctly). But a 90 minute wait? He owes you more than a cup of Java! "ODO" !!! Occupy Doctor Offices!

Even MSNBC Viewers Were Revolted