Thursday, November 17, 2011

What the !@#$%^&*???...I have apparently gone over my allowable minutes w/ Virgin Mobile...

Your Choice of Phone


Please note:  A data plan is required for the life of your iPhone service and cannot be removed in the future.
DataPro 4 GB is required for use of Internet Tethering or Personal Hotspot. Internet Tethering over Bluetooth or USB requires iOS 4.0 and iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, or iPhone 4. Personal Hotspot over Wi-Fi requires iOS 4.3 and iPhone 4 .

*They send me a Text message when I use the phone, telling me they just charged my credit card another $4.50!
So, I go on-line to check out phones & I get the Crap high-lighted above!
Sometimes I think the World has moved on & I have been left at the Station...

1 comment:

Stoney in his bunker said...

I'm down the platform from u Pea. Nobody can convince me in the entire picture, that we've come very far. People no longer need to talk to each other but text instead. I just gave a quote $$ for a job to a prospect for $7500. and don't know what he looks like or what the room looks like or whether he's a snoopy competitor or whatever. Just plug in your personal wiki liky picki sniki and the world is yours!!!!!!! Stay at home and ridicule, insult , accuse anyone anywhere about anything and no problemo! Wanna show yer personal "STUFF", hey jes tap into yer nicki wiki and "publish" it to the universe!!!! If yer really clever you can "tap into" the files of any off limits organization and snoop. I'm thinking of snatching my grandson, did I mention?, and escaping to uh maybe uh uh uh, damn, y'all got computers, smart/dumb phones and Wiki Nikki everywhere. Besides Jonathan will probably be a techy wiz like his Daddy........... Time moves on But I ain't goin'... I refuse....I have my rights!!!!!!! I'm gonna camp on somebody's lawn, it's my right!!!!!!!