an Oreland Home
In the past 7 Months I have spent time in a number of Guest Bedrooms. Each time I was offered Dinner & is really nice to be a Traveler...and I wish I had a Guest Bedroom to reciprocate...
- How many "Guest Bedrooms" have you slept the last 7 months?
I have been to Redondo Beach, Oreland, Mechanicsburg, Johnson City, Tn & Lancaster, Pa...
- and people say I don't get out enough...
You have a couch...therefore, you have a "guest" bed(room). All you need would be clean sheets, a snuggly pillow & a cozy blanket or quilt. Kids love to sleep in sleeping bags and if you need another "bed", you can borrow our queen-sized Aero-bed--it's not bad.
I KNOW you could provide a tasty dinner and breakfast, stimulating conversation and excellent entertainment. I say: INVITE SOMEONE(S). If you build/provide it, they will come. was a delight to have you overnight..come back soon!
It is the New Pea!! The Thirsty Traveler.
...better check the mileage on your lease, thirsty traveler.
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