Friday, February 17, 2012

The Lighting could be improved, but other than that I thought The Mermaid Inn was Great! was not the "dungy" place I was lead to believe by reading comments on the Web. Yes Folks, I was out & about until about 12:45AM last night! Uncle TJ & myself went to check out "Mike McKendry & Friends" @ The Mermaid Inn.

  • I am not sure how many people realize what a 'Coup Michael pulled off here...
A little more than a year ago he got introduced to "The Chestnut Hill/Mt Airy Underground" by a guy that was subbing on Bass for the BM's. Next thing you know The Cooker is Prowling around not only "The Inn"...but also "The Irish Center" for nightly Jam Sessions! He told me then...
  • Pea! It is not an easy place to get to be a Headliner...but I will get Eddie & myself there!" He actually said he is on a QUEST!
Bottom line? Not only have the BM's Rocked the place, but The Cooker has gone to his Individualistic Game and subjugated certain Mermaid Legends to "Back-ups"!!!


Proud McK said...

Leave it to Cooker! If anyone can, he can.

Good for him/them!!

Photo Pea said...

Next time use the "Flash Feature" on your camera.

Gerald Pea said...

I got your "Flash Feature" right here!!! Over time I have discovered that what I see on a Post is not exactly what other people see in a Post... I just hope people get the gist of the Post

Cooker said...

Great of you guys to make the the picture of the 3 of us outside the for the wall! Thanks again..

Edward J. said...

where do we see the photos?

Tshirtim said...

I agree with Pea, he's a closet feng shui(?) expert, the lighting needs some tweaking. Tough squinting all night. We did use the flash but were not close enough.

It was a very good night. Songs that you like byt never hear live. Acoustic sound, different instrumental solos, etc.

Gerald Pea said...

I used my Flip Video camera which does not have a Flash feature