This pile of wood in TJ's garage will be made into a Kitchen Counter Top. The Pea Blog will document the progress.
Stay Tuned. An added Bonus will be Pea improving his Photographic skills...
Edward J.
Great idea to document how TJ does this. Where did he learn these skills?
GPea, aside from still photography, this is an opportunity to use your Flip camera and video the process too. Get comments from TJ as he works. Save the footage to your Mac and you can then edit together your documentary. I'll help you with the editing, if you need it.
Getting info from Facebook...apparently, it is Black Walnut Wood that Timmy, Paddy, Bill, Aaron, Andy, Joe and Spanky chopped down in "The Black Forest" is amazing...the Black Walnut is now being "planed"!
P.S. big debate over the correct spelling of "planing, plaining, planeing, plaening..."
Great idea to document how TJ does this. Where did he learn these skills?
GPea, aside from still photography, this is an opportunity to use your Flip camera and video the process too. Get comments from TJ as he works. Save the footage to your Mac and you can then edit together your documentary. I'll help you with the editing, if you need it.
This could be fun. I look forward to the story.
Now that Norm has given up The Yankee Workshop I might get into my own TV series. I'll title it, "MAKING SAWDUST"
OMG! I just now noticed that I've put on a few pounds. Have to find my sweatsuit.....
Getting info from Facebook...apparently, it is Black Walnut Wood that Timmy, Paddy, Bill, Aaron, Andy, Joe and Spanky chopped down in "The Black Forest" is amazing...the Black Walnut is now being "planed"!
P.S. big debate over the correct spelling of "planing, plaining, planeing, plaening..."
P l a n i n ge.
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