Friday, February 15, 2013

Hey BMs! Did you visit your Sister on Valentine's Day?


Tshirtim said...

OKAY, You HAD to go there Pea! Let me spill the beans on your little "favorite brother" scam and how you have duped my favorite sister.

A week ago I catch Pea sneaking out the back door. "Where ya goin?" He mumbles, acts like he didn't hear me (imagine that!) and tries to walk away. I repeat, "W H E R E A R E. Y O U G O I N G. G E R.R Y?" He mumbles "Alyce. mumble Needs. mumble mumble Soup. mumble mumble Help. mumble And then, with tires screeching, flies out of the driveway.

Hours pass. A vehicle turns its lights out and crawls stealthfully up our driveway. A dark shadowy figure emerges CARRYING A TON OF GOODY BAGS and slinks around the side of th house.

Not to be easily outdone, I streak down the basement in time to catch Gerald the Pea rummaging through a gift bag that would be too big for Santa. Cherry slices candy, soup, handmade blankets, clothing, shoes, a bike, cowboy boots, mittens, a silk smoking jacket, brandy sniffers, a puppy, gold, frankensence, myrhh, murr, mir, (the stuff the wise men brought) a Rembrandt, a Martin, A PONY, and on and on and on. With the odor of Irish soda bread wafting in the air and noticeable crumbs on his quivering lips, Pea was caught!

After a few days of waterboarding he admitted it; Alyce told him he is her favorite!

B.Crocker said...

Ahaa...nice investigation TJ...once a flatfoot, always ...was it warm,chewy,raisins...MMMMM!