Thursday, August 15, 2013

Hillmans?... some people want them. The 50th Anniversary of Hillmans


Cooker/LaSalle mailboy 1967 '68 said...

LaSalle College parking lot, 1967 or 1968...I'm looking to buy transportation...tired of taking the bus down Olney Ave to my job at LaSalle...makin' $50.00/ into a professor selling his car, puts a sign in the window..I see it, take it for a spin..absolutely love the little thing..for some unknown reason I mention it to Dad that night at dinner, big mistake...he asks "what kind of car is it?, what make, model?" ..."HILLMAN", says I ...he looks at me, slowly scrunches his brow and utters this famous line ..."HILLMAN? YOU DON'T WANT IT!" ...Obeying as always, I return next day to LaSalle and inform the professor, as he picks up his mail (my position at the time at this esteemed University...mailboy) sorry Prof, no deal..Pop says "I don't want it!"...lesson learned here, "see a Hillman you want, don't tell Pop!"
True story, look it up!

Cooker 1967 said...

Great post Blaze...brings back great memories. How cool would it have been to travel from D Street to 20th&Olney every a.m. in this cool sports me, it was an Austin Healy 3000M ...instead, I am given a gift by John, of a 1962 Dodge Seneca..4dr push button on the dash, bigger than a Buick...which I greatly appreciated at that time...until one warm summer morning (1967) whilst traveling down Fisher Ave., to work at LaSalle mailroom, a moth enters my drivers window, wings-a-flappin', smiles at me, landing on my top button of my shirt, just resting a bit...temporarily catching my attention, I, in my gangsta lean, pull my right arm off the wheel, to swat said Moth, glancing momentarily at my top button...veer to the right, directly into the nearest Sycamore, surrounded by trash cans, it being "trash day" and all that, whereby I gash my head open, cans landing on the hood of the Cherry Seneca, bringing this sea hag in a nightgown running down the lawn screaming at me, blah, blah...followed by Philly's Finest, siren blaring, whereupon officer Dibble asks me.."what happened kid? "...I reply, "well Officer, there was this moth.." after which I tried the old "do u know Jack McKendry out of the 39th?"...he's my Pop...the officer, now peeing his pants, looks up,and says," yeah, I know Jack...kid you're screwed!"...for you see, I had no car insurance at the time... fast forward, the Seneca died on the spot, 3 new trash cans were purchased for the Sea Hag and yours truly forfeited his drivers license for the next 2 years...which is why I took the Olney bus to work everday, which is why the Hillman looked like an Austin Healey 3000M to me...and why I began dating a girl named Mary who had a "free pass" to ride SEPTA, which if your drivers license has been suspended and you make $50.00/wk as a mailboy, you absolutely jump on that arrangement... but that's a whole other chapter in the book...gotta go!

Cooker 65.5 said...

Great post 65.5yrs, it's important to get the details down in writing, before it's too late..."those were the days,my friend!"

Gerald Pea said...

Michael? have you been drinking? Look on the Bright Side! If you had bought the Hillman you would have crashed into parked cars on Fisher Ave & Dad could have said, "I tried to tell you, you don't want a Hillman and now you know why. They are so poorly constructed that they attract Moths!"

sis said...

Oh, Pea...that is a funny "bright side"! But you are right!

Anonymous said...

You had another crash with another brother's car. Hmmm anybody else see a pattern here?


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