Thursday, August 22, 2013

Peninsulas... and do you have a Passport?

 Baja is a peninsula. Jason & my Daughter-in-Law are headed to that peninsula for their delayed Honeymoon as soon as Jason gets a real birth certificate & a Passport. Apparently, Home Land Security did not accept the original certificate that his Mom sent him. In the new era of "HLS" you need a different kind of Certificate than those that were issued in the '70s to get your Passport! Of course, my Daughter-in-Law was born in the same era & her Passport is fine...but not Jason's!

  • But back to Peninsulas...Jason claims Florida is a Peninsula & I disagreed
What do you think? Is Florida a Peninsula or not a Peninsula?


GeograPea said...

Florida is a well-known example of a large peninsula, with its land area divided between the larger Florida peninsula and the smaller Florida panhandle on the north and west.

Gerald Pea said...

I just checked out some Google Maps & Jason is correct! Florida is a Peninsula. Is Manhattan a peninsula

the blog Obserever said...

Pea, go to bed! You don't know a peninsula from a # 2 pencil!

Gay Border Guard said...

Has Jason been PROFILED as a terrorist since his PassPort was not accepted? They'll be "tapping" his phone and e-mails soon.

Tshirtim said...

Jason, let me know if the bouncer from Cabo Wabo, Sammy Hagar's place, has recovered from his knockout in 2005.

Tell him Paddy and I said "Hola!"