Friday, September 27, 2013

Really Pisses me off when I see this stuff! How do we end it?

In one of the most memorable images to emerge from inside the Nairobi mall attacked last weekend by Islamic extremists, a 4-year-old girl is seen running toward a man who is reaching out a hand to pull her to safety.
The man was Abdul Haji, a 39-year-old real estate executive who rushed to the mall as the attack got underway. He managed to evacuate scores of people to safety, including that young American girl, Portia Walker, and is being hailed in Kenya as a hero.

1 comment:

Wyatt Earp said...

NRA group, NRA lobbyists, Background checks, Assault weapons owners, hiding behind the 2nd Amendment, gun shows, gun collectors, straw purchases, violent computer games for children, gun manufacturers...and on and up for the fight Pea? Let's discuss...I'd like to see some blogger dialogue on this subject.