Monday, September 9, 2013

The Jacksonville Jaguars (near where Tebow played in College) is not a good NFL Team. And they lost their QB on Sunday. So why not call Tim?

actual photos of the Stands on Sunday, 9/8/2013

You can't do any worse than this! Nobody in Jacksonville cares about the Jaguars!  Tebow won a Heisman Trophy & 2 Championships in College. He is Loved in the Jacksonville area. And Jacksonville lost their starter in Game 1...

  • would you call Tim if you were in charge?


Joe Fan said...

I'd give him a call...I like the guy... of course I liked Shawn Bradley too!

Tim Fan said...

Oh!!! For a minute, there, I thought you were referring to OUR "Tim". On second thought: That might be a good idea, too. (would MOH let him move to Florida?)

Tshirtim said...

Just checked, I STILL fit into my tight white pants and ol number 33! I'm psyched lines are open. Operators standing by. Call 24/7 1-800-STI-LLGOTIT.

Welp! Now we're screwed... Social Security Checks Could Stop Going Out by April, Ex-Head ...