The Jacksonville Jaguars (near where Tebow played in College) is not a good NFL Team. And they lost their QB on Sunday. So why not call Tim?
actual photos of the Stands on Sunday, 9/8/2013
You can't do any worse than this! Nobody in Jacksonville cares about the Jaguars! Tebow won a Heisman Trophy & 2 Championships in College. He is Loved in the Jacksonville area. And Jacksonville lost their starter in Game 1...
would you call Tim if you were in charge?
Joe Fan
I'd give him a call...I like the guy... of course I liked Shawn Bradley too!
Oh!!! For a minute, there, I thought you were referring to OUR "Tim". On second thought: That might be a good idea, too. (would MOH let him move to Florida?)
Just checked, I STILL fit into my tight white pants and ol number 33! I'm psyched lines are open. Operators standing by. Call 24/7 1-800-STI-LLGOTIT.
I'd give him a call...I like the guy... of course I liked Shawn Bradley too!
Oh!!! For a minute, there, I thought you were referring to OUR "Tim". On second thought: That might be a good idea, too. (would MOH let him move to Florida?)
Just checked, I STILL fit into my tight white pants and ol number 33! I'm psyched lines are open. Operators standing by. Call 24/7 1-800-STI-LLGOTIT.
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