Monday, December 23, 2013

Cali Sunsets from my old camera


EJM said...

Looking forward to seeing it for myself. We'll be out to see Chris and Kendra Jan. 17 - 20. Hope we get to see you all too.

JPM said...

We'll have to meet up...

Cooker said...

Looks like a movie set...whew, gorgeous!

Gerald Pea said...

I'm thinking me & The Cooker could sail the Old Crow around the Fla Keys, across the Gulf of Mexico, around the Yucatan Peninsula into the Pacific Ocean. From there it would just be a matter of navigating North along the Coast of Mexico & California. We could meet you somewhere near Marina del Rei on a Saturday morning. What do you think of that Plan?

Ahab said...

We sail at sunset, my friend! Batten down the hatches,pull the jib, tack into the wind, and roll out the rum...Off to Cali-forn-ia! Viva Zapata..Vamos!

What are they actually saying & hearing in a huddle?

This is why I never wanted to play football!