Thursday, February 6, 2014

Black Out on Blossom Hill!

We have been without electricity since Tues night! Reading by lantern, eating crackers & water. Luckily, I was able to Gerry-rig a portable generator (w/ some help from Joe White) to give us some power. PP&L says it could last for 3 more days! And another Storm due this weekend!!!!@#$%!!
"We don't have ladders long enough to reach Blossom Hill, let 'em wait 'til the Thaw..."


No juice said...

We feel your pain...Mary and I have been without power since Tuesday too...but, prayers were answered about 2 hours ago...yippee!! Good luck.

Here Comes the Sun said...

I feel your pain about this terrible weather. It rained here in California today. Uggh, that's twice in the past two weeks!

Tshirtim said...

Talk about a whiner! The net impact on Pea was he sat by a window reading all day vs reading by a lamp all day. The only way he knew the electric was out was when his freezer light didn't go on at happy hour. What a life!

What are they actually saying & hearing in a huddle?

This is why I never wanted to play football!