Thursday, February 20, 2014

We have progressed. Over the years when I wanted to see this Video I had to scramble through names like: blaze, eddie blaze, Ed McK wears a al...on you tube...

Today I went to you tube, typed in... "Puckett Brothers"... & the video appeared!

  • Looks like we no longer need a "MC" to introduce us!
MC stands for "Master of Ceremony" my Dad used to be great at being a Master of Ceremony...

  • I believe he was the first person to use the word "howsomever"........


Puckett Fan said...

They look just like the guys on the Tee-Shirts..ha,ha..

EJM said...

when I go thru everyday life, it is amazing how many times I can refer to a line from this Puckett Bros. video... e.g. "it coulda been a week." or "We took a photo"...etc.
a classic (if only among our family)

Anonymous said...

"We are basically squirrel hunters". "You can look out over the Ridge" "Time stood still...ever'thing was quiet",,,"My heart star fibulatin'", "kept goin' higher. higher and higher sorta like this!" We have Photos!..."every word of this is true"!..."think they believed us Lamarr?"

What are they actually saying & hearing in a huddle?

This is why I never wanted to play football!