Wednesday, February 12, 2014


                                                          Two injured Grand-kids

  • Liam(age 9) a Hockey player, has suffered a concussion and Amanda (age 7) a Soccer player, has sprained her ankle.
  • Liam was wearing a helmet. He had bad headaches. Went to the Doc and was told he cannot watch TV, read, play games, shop, or talk to his Uncle Pea. He also had to miss a week of school. The Doc said he has to treat the concussion ( brain injury) like a broken bone. It has to be immobilized. 
Amanda had X-rays. Her ankle was immobilized, wrapped, iced and she was also told that she cold not talk to her Grandpop 'cause he was a complainer about ankle injuries...


alyce said...

It's not easy being SuperStars! Heal quickly Liam and Amanda.

Guy LeFlour said...

I can't even ice skate...I think it's cool that these little guys can scoot around playing hockey. It always looked like a game I would excel in! ha,ha...hope they're feeling better.

Fashion Police said...

Those are some good looking uniforms.

John said...

Didn't Uncle Eddie have 3/4 concussions in H.S.? I think the King's sent him to AZ to rest.

The son of Coach Turner said...

I know he had a broken knee cap and at least 3 or 4 blows to the head

What are they actually saying & hearing in a huddle?

This is why I never wanted to play football!