Sunday, March 23, 2014

Tell me if I got this right

 These Democrat State Representatives from Philadelphia in the above photo were caught on audio & video tape accepting bribes in return for a certain vote in the State Legislature that favors Democrats.

The National Media starts paying attention to this because the Democrat Attorney General for the State of Pa (that would be the Guy in the middle in the photo above) that is responsible for prosecuting the State Representatives that were audio & video taped accepting the bribes says we have no case here.

So the State Attorney General (who is an Attorney) hires an old guy Attorney in a sweat suit, along with his middle aged Attorney son (that's the guy on the left) to speak for the State Attorney General... about what... if everything is on the up & up?

By the way, in this coming November Election for State Representative only one of the 4 above Politicians is being contested in their reelection bid.

Isn't there a Movie out now about Philadelphia Politics and the Abscam sting titled "American Hustle"?


a liberal said...

These people are a disgrace..all of them. The attorney general also said the Democratic prosecutors may be guilty of "profiling"..because the state representatives and the judge who got caught were black! And Pea wonders why no one is interested in politics, politicians, radio hosts who build careers talking about politics?...what the #@%&$*

Citizin Kane said...

we the tax payers are paying everyone at that table for the time they are at that table.