Friday, May 30, 2014

Pea Eve

There's excitement in the air, it's Pea Eve!  I was reminded by the tenant that I needed to be up early in order to properly decorate for Pea Eve. He was gracious enough to provide a list of the necessary items:
1- smokes
2- nikolai
3- hearing aid batteries
4- solo cups (blue)
5- Coco shaped balloon ornaments
6- grungy blue navy watch caps for attendees
7- oversized athletic shorts for attendees
8- locate a butt for Pea ( he has never had one)
9- gift wrapped harmonica
10- earplugs for landlord & lordess


amd said...

I thought Pea "quit" you-know-what.

Gerald Pea said...

I did quit you know what! All I want for my birthday is a Rush Limbaugh Ditto Head subscription to his radio show. Costs about $39.00 per year (Judy Ann used to get it for me) and it enables me to view the Ditto cam during the show and download/stream a lot of neat stuff!

Cooker said...

Happy Birthday Gerald Pea. May the wind be at your back today, may all your lights be green! Love you Brother..