Tuesday, September 9, 2014

For your viewing pleasure... I was 'memorized'....

Here is how the video was made.


Gerald Pea said...

And I was mesmerised! I do have to add that I have seen brother Tim do similar things with wood and saws. I keep out of that Room for good reason... Machines I know nothing about & there may be Bots running about, although I have not heard any background music.

Gerald Pea said...

Well...bottom line, that looked pretty easy (sarc!). TJ does have most of those same tools. And I think my camera a lenses could take the same photos. Problem is, I just don't have the time to dedicate to a project like this. I am a bizzy, bizzy man.....

Pentagon’s Partisan Letter Against Trump, Hegseth

IBRAM X. KENDI General Milley