Saturday, October 4, 2014

Tshirt Tim's new World Headquarters

Located in Columbia, which is near York, just South of the thick Jungle Area


Tshirtim said...

HR problems already! My CFO (Pea) claimed his executive suite yesterday. Today my IT and Graphic Arts Depts (Fiona Molly) claimed the same suite for their functions, claiming "natural light". Neither is budging!

Our Director of Maintenance (Joe) is insisting on a corporate beer garden.

My Legal Dept (Bill) is meeting with both sides at an off site location (Bull's Head Tavern in Lititz). That should be productive!

My Call Center Mgr (MOH) is holding out for a company gym. My Marketing Mgr (Maura) wants a bigger mirror in the Ladies Room.

I'm going old school and bringing Corp Security (Timmy, Decky, Ronan, Drew and wee Seamus) in to make them all an offer they can't refuse.

Meanwhile, Liam is translating our Company Mission statement into Greek.

Tshirtim said...

I wonder if Mike Heimbuch is hiring a guy with 30+ years experience ?

EJM said...

Exciting... Good Luck Tshirttim. What's the name? I like "TeeShirtTim's".

Cooker said...

The place looks great Tim...good luck!