Monday, December 22, 2014

Easy Riders

Two wild & crazy brothers touring the wide open spaces we call America!
circa 1967

Oh yea, on the back of the photo someone wrote this...


blaze said...

Does anybody know where they were going?

the blog observer said...

The wrinkled pants tell us that sweat pants were not popular at that time...nor were dungarees

Tshirtim said...

Wild guess; John's Graduation?

EJM said...

milk stop?

Anonymous said...

We were a little caravan on the way to SFC @ Loretto, PA for John's graduation. I am the "someone" who wrote on the back of the pic (and took the picture). It was a fun trip; Mother & Dad so proud of their first "college grad"!

blaze said...

Alyce, you should be doing hand writing stunts in Hollywood. So cool...

Gay In-Law said...

I certainly remember the small dairy store that sat by the side of the road. Did Danny Regan show up with his MG? I remember "Big Jack" running around campus in that little thing with his "Jeff" on straight. I think!!!

Gerald Pea said...

Danny had a Porsche & Jack loved it! And I do miss Danny Regan to this day


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