Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Michael has lost 13lbs since Feb 9 & you can too!

All you have to do is slip on the ice on your front stoop as you go outside to fetch the morning paper.

Passing out on the walkway. Laying there for you don't know how long...wake up with gash on your head...a splitting headache, hurt back and butt .

Have your wife drive you to the hospital where they give you 14 STAPLE stitches and tell you
you have a concussion.

Poor Michael. Talked to him today & he is still hurting.


sis said...

OH, NOOO! Poor Michael. That is not a good DIE-IT idea! Feel better soon...

Moh said...

Time for 1-800-Sue em all
Hope you get better soon.

Media silliness...

It has been only one year since Joe Biden gave his last State of the Union address that had the media so fired up!