Monday, February 23, 2015

now I'm not boasting or anything ...But...I did receive an Emergency call on Sunday AM (my day off!)

...asking if I could watch Brynn on Monday, which meant I had  to drop "everthing"
& hustle down to Brynn's to receive proper 
Brynn care Training on I would do a Proper job on Monday...

I think I did a great job considering it was the 1st time I changed a diaper in 37 years.

But the best thing was when Brynn's Mom & mom-mom snuck up on us and silently
opened the font door
Brynn was lying fast asleep in my loving arms!

I also threw in some quality Sesame Street TV time that kept her attention
for at least 20 minutes...

She was not intersted in the Morning Inquirer...


EJM said...

Congrats GeraldPea. These photos look like you and Brynn spent some time wrestling too. By the smile on her face, she must have beaten you. She's adorable.

Gerald Pea said...

Someone needs to trim her nails, they really hurt!

Moh said...

Maybe you will get many call backs.....

Remember those Seal of Approval people?