Thursday, February 12, 2015

This is an actual display at Aquaworld in Spain. Can you figure out how they did it?

If I were a Travelling Man I would choose Spain, Italy and Greece...
in that order.
I would love to take a dip in the Medditeranian
or however you spell it


Moh said...

The pipe returning the water is probably inside the falling water.

Gerald Pea said...

Are you a Plumber? I thought you were a Carpenter? But you did Win An all expense paid trip to Italy! Spain! And Greece! Just send us your credit card # & your Social security # and you and your "companion" will be on your way!

blaze said...


blaze said...

I have been to Italy and Greece. Granted it was in 1978 but I was there. Camped on the beach in Corfu, Greece and played guitar/'busking' in Florence, Italy. Good memories.

never been there said...

Did you manage a dip in the Medditreanian blaze? (Mediteranian/Med/Meataranian?)
The year does not matter! Which country did you favor? Italy or Greece?

Anonymous said...

you are such a wisenheimer!

Media silliness...

It has been only one year since Joe Biden gave his last State of the Union address that had the media so fired up!