Sunday, March 15, 2015

Do you know what a Riser is?

Well I'll tell you.

If you were selling your house & you want to Stage it right you may want to sand & stain #'1 thru #11 here. That way your steps would "blend" w/ the Risers. Or your Risers would blend with the steps.
Either way you want to look at it...

"Sandy S." is sanding & staining this week.

I'm thinking she should call Mary!


Tshirtim said...

As they say in DC Pea, "I mispoke" when I said Sandy was staining the risers. She was staining the treads. Same difference. Be that as it may. Howsomever.

Homer & Jethro said...

A riser is a ball hit into the "gap" which continues to rise, until it lands in the other words a "Homer"..not unlike the Phillies, Eagles announcers.

Gerald Pea said... told me what Risers are & I posted about Risers. Now you are telling me that Kate (Sandy) Semisch is not sanding risers, she is now staining treads! What the heck are treads? Also to Homer...A Riser can be a fast ball that is thrown so fast it rises out of the batters wheel house & the batter swings & misses! I never was suckered by a Kenny Alfred riser..did I ever mention that I hit a Homer off of Kenny to Deep right center field? I was never a Pull hitter