Friday, March 20, 2015

I need a Secretary!

Justin's 10th birthday was 3/6

Amanda's 9th birthday was 3/16

I acknowledged Justin's but sent him nothing.

I forgot Amanda's 'til I saw it on Facebook

And now Luke's 7th is coming up on 4/16.

I need advice

Would it be OK to send all 3 grandkids a card with some
$$$ in it on Luke's  bithday?

or am I already persona non grata? 


army brats momma said...

I think kids are always willing to accept birthday money...even if it's not their birthday!

Anonymous said...

Send them a subscription to the Phila/ Daily News or Inquirer to follow Philly sports & news......
or,better yet, the New York Times which will educate them properly.

Barry said...

Send them some Extra Large Sweat Shirts.