Tuesday, May 19, 2015

This blog is getting a whole lot more complicated

I went to The Blog today to see if I could make commenting easier. No such luck.

So I hit some other keys & now I have to agree that I am OK with Adult content!

So annoying...

oh yea, by the way...
it is My Birthday Month!


sis said...

I didn't know WHAT to expect this a.m. when I opened your blog--"adult content"? What the??? Glad to hear your explanation. Keep up the good blog work, Pea!

Not a Robot said...

Pea, made any plans to celebrate your Big Birthday this year?

Tshirtim said...

Glad you fixed it. Now, what was it I wanted to say LAST WEEK.....

What are they actually saying & hearing in a huddle?

This is why I never wanted to play football!