Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Catching Wind


Anonymous said...

Forget Queen...that was the Best Rock Performance, of the last 20yrs!

EJM said...

very nice Pea. I'm impressed that you're working on you iMovie skills. A tip: try fading the song out at the end vs. a sudden stop... much smoother for the viewer after all the mood you set with the nice pics. good job...

EJM said...

btw, your "Tongue In Cheek" CD still holds up beautifully almost 10 years later.

Gerald Pea said...

I am working on the fade affect EJM...need to think sudden stops...ty

ken gamble said...

was that Gerry McK.?

CNN fired 200 people today.

They are going to start a streaming service & charge subscribers  $3.99 a month to watch news stories like these...